Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rupert Murdoch takes on Google

Oh, silly Rupert Murdoch, you.

That seems to be the gist of the commentary around the blogosphere in response to Rupert Murdoch's (empty?) threat to sue Google for copyright infringement. Murdoch's media companies obviously benefit from the exposure of search engines, but Murdoch apparently thinks he can siphon more money out of his media assets by threatening Google.

Is this a case of an ego out of hand or is there any legal basis to his claim? the management website bnet has a great layman's analysis of the issue. This is an excellent example of fair use law, and how murky those waters really can get. It's hard to know whether or not Murdoch could actually get away with invoking fair use in his complaint against Google.

Of course, the real question is.... even if he could, would he really want to?

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